Every year, I put on about 5 lbs. between September and Christmas. Why? Because I love baking in the fall and around the holidays (not to mention testing out new recipes for my blog)! I’ve gotten to the point in my life that I’m really okay with it. Don’t get me wrong, I’d rather be a smaller size, but I just believe in living a little. You know what I mean? Usually, by Christmas night, my pants are tight and I’ve had enough of sweets and I crave healthier foods for my body. So I turn to my food journal on my-calorie-counter.com to get back into shape.
Two years ago, I found this FREE Food journal on My-Calorie-Counter.com. I started writing down everything that I ate and soon realized that I didn’t have enough fiber in my diet, some foods that I ate were high in sodium, and I definitely could make some better food choices.
I have tried other diets before, but this food journal really helps me to lose weight. You select how much weight you want to lose and the program tells you how many calories you need to consume each day to lose 1 lb. a week. By using this journal, I have started reading labels more and now I recognize the nutritional value of food. I still get cravings for chips and I indulge every now and then, but this journal really helps me to make healthier choices. Here’s what one of my days looks like.
See how it evaluates the nutrition in today’s total? It’s a handy little tool! I don’t normally eat an egg salad sandwich for dinner. I usually have meat/potatoes/vegetable, but I just picked this particular day to show you what it’s like. You can use the program’s data base of food or add your own foods that you eat by typing in the nutritional data from your food labels.
So why am I sharing this with you? I guess I figured if I find it helpful…it might help someone else too! Dave and I have been following this food journal for a little more than 2 weeks. He lost 5 lbs. so far and I lost 3lbs. (with no exercise). I need to make more time to exercise!
I just want to mention that I don’t keep track of what I eat every single day. After doing it a while, I get to know what adds up to 1,200-1,300 calories a day and I’m pretty good at eating the right amount.
Did you ever use a food journal? What do you do if you want to lose a few pounds?
Joy says
Thats neat! I’m definitely going to have to check it out!
Marsha Baker says
What a brilliant plan - just what I need! I signed up as soon as I read this…I definitely need some accountability! I am SO glad you shared this Jane. Thanks so much.
Marsha Baker says
And look at you go…you now have an even 1200 follwers! How cool is that? Good for you - keep up the good work.
Nellie Bragg says
As a Lifetime Weight Watcher, I track every bite that enters my mouth, being mindful to be sure I cover the Good Health Guidelines of at least five fruits/vegetable servings per day, 2 healthy oils, 3 dairy (due to my “magic age”), and whole grains daily. I don’t consider it a “diet,” because nothing is off limits. I just have to track it and keep myself within my allowable points.
Jane Doiron says
Hi Nellie,
That’s how I feel about this food journal! It doesn’t feel like a diet to me!
kristi says
Hi Jane,
I will have to check out my calorie counter.com. I can’t remember the last time I had 1,200 calories in one day…..I’m hungry just thinking about it. Maybe that’s my problem! You make it sound so easy! Thanks for sharing!
kristi says
I forgot to mention, I talk about why you should use walking poles in my latest post: http://www.momsownwords.com/?p=3399. I would think using my-calorie-counter.com and walking everyday (with walking poles!) would make for a winning combination!