Csnstores Review Coming Soon

Wow!  I am one happy blogger!  I was contacted by Csnstores.com to review a product of my choice!  Csnstores has more than 200 stores with great products, so the choice was really difficult.  I could use a new vanity for the bathroom, a new pan for the kitchen, but I decided it was time for a new toaster oven.  My family and I use the toaster oven every day and it is in sad shape!  Dear I say… the handle has been missing for some time!  (Embarrassing but true!)

I decided to go with this toaster oven.  It’s just the right size for my kitchen counter.  Stay tuned for my review.  I’ll let you know how I like it.

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About Jane Doiron


  1. 1
    The Better Baker says:

    It's beautiful and would be oh-so nice to have one - our toaster oven is in pretty bad shape too. Will be looking forward to your comments about it…

  2. 2
    Tammy@ Not Just Paper and Glue says:

    Ugh - my toaster oven is in horrible shape. It would be so nice to have a new one :) Looking forward to your review.

  3. 3
    Rebekah says:

    OOOOO…very nice! I'm going to start hosting a Friday Product Review on my blog. Head over and check it out, maybe you will link up your review.

    Rebekah http://www.kidsdoeathealthy.blogspot.com

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