Canning Week Blog Party!

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I love canning!  I wish I had more time to do it so my family and I could enjoy fresh food throughout the winter.  Even though I’ve canned jam, pickles, and salsa, I still have a lot to learn.

If you’re into canning or would like to learn more about it, there’s a great Canning Week Blog Party going on this week!  Amy at  A Latte’ with Ott, A and Jen from  From Mess Hall to Bistro are sharing their step-by-step canning recipes, decorations, and info, every day this week!  They also have a great canning Linky HERE if you’d like to link up your canning recipes.  The Linky will close this Friday at 5 pm (EST).  I have been given the honor of choosing the Linky post with the most descriptive explanation, useful pictures, and entertaining read!  The winner will receive a copy of my cookbook  Make-Ahead Meals for Busy Moms!  There will also be kitchen and canning item giveaways so keep a look out for those!  All winners will be announced on Saturday, August 28th!

For more information, head over to the From Garden Plott to Kitchen Pott Facebook Page!  And if that’s not enough…link up your canning recipes to my Linky HERE!

Happy canning!

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  1. 1


    Thanks so much for the shout out!!! We are super excited by all the posts we have on the linky party as there are lots of great canned goods there. (you’ll have a tough job judging, but we know you can handle it.) :)

  2. 2


    I’m a new follower thanks to the Latta with Ott, A canning party.
    Great site!
    I saw the link to the America’s Test Kitchen video-I am such a FAN of that show. I get the magazine, have the DVDs, etc. My daughter and I never it miss it on Saturday!

  3. 3


    Thank you so much for tweeting and posting this! I love canning! Just did 40 jars of peach applesauce and strawberry applesauce today, but you can never know too much!

  4. 5


    What a great week it has been! Thank you so much for blogging about us, being our guest judge, and giving out a copy of your cookbook! There were so many great entries in the linky; I know it had to be hard to pick the best!

    • 5.1

      Jane Doiron says

      Hey Jen,
      You’re welcome! It was really hard to chose a winner! This week was so fun! I learned a lot about canning!


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