A Thank You Cookie From Cookbook Author Abby Dodge!

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Remember when I did a giveaway of Abby Dodge’s cookbook Desserts 4 Today back in September?  Well, last week I got an unexpected box in the mail from Abby Dodge!  It was this “sweet” Thank You Cookie!  I’m telling you…it made my day!  Isn’t that thoughtful?!  I’ve never gotten such a unique Thank You treat before!

Thank you Abby!  Just thinking of your cookbook makes me want to run to the kitchen to make a batch of your Nutella Fudge Brownies!  I’m crazy about them!

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  1. 3

    ~kim says

    Wow, that’s a fresh take on the *thank you* !! Love it, going to use it! and share a post on those Nutella Fudge Brownies!!

  2. 4


    What a wonderful gesture and ‘sweet’ idea!! I think about her nutella cookies often and really need to get her book…since I didn’t win! So glad you shared. Enjoy a wonderful weekend.

  3. 6


    There’s nothing better than an appreciative Thank You letter made out of succulent sweets! Are you going to save the cookie so you can read the message at a later time or eat the cookie because it tastes better than it looks?

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