Thank you so much to Pam at A Love for New Recipes! She gave me this beautiful Sunshine Award! Pam is one of the sweetest bloggers I have ever met!
The rules for accepting this award are simple, link to the person who gave it to you, and pass it on to 12 other people who bring you sunshine. So here you are! Please visit these wonderful women!
Kristi at Moms Own Words
Dee at Food For Thought
Shelly at Shakin’ and Bakin’
Stacy at Recipes for Moms
Tina at Mommy’s Kitchen
Bridget at Bake at 350
Anna at Cookie Madness
Jamie at Jamie Cooks It Up!
Megan at Megan’s Munchies
Rachelle at Mommy? I’m Hungry!
Laura at Real Mom Kitchen
Jill at Simple Daily Recipes
Awwwww, thanks for the Sunshine award! It's cute.
Thank you Jane! =)
This is the 2nd time I've recieved this, so I think I need to get on it and pass it around. =)
Thank you so much for the wonderful comment…I say "right back-at-cha girl"..he he!
Congrats on your well deserved award!
Congrats everyone!
Thank you so much! ♥
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